Wednesday, August 12, 2015

What's your curriculum? #innovationclass

Today, I was asked by the building guidance counselor what my curriculum is so that she can better explain it to parents wanting to transfer their kids into my class.  I was not really prepared to answer that because typically in most of my career it was simply given to me.

First, let me explain the situation.  I was lucky enough to be hired into a new position teaching a new class called "Technology and Innovation".  The goal is to provide kids with experience using various technology so that they will have a better idea of what kind of things they like or to develop an interest in computer science.  Other than that, it was open to whatever I could come up with.  The district provided a lot of expensive resources as well as incredible support.  I felt as though I had hit the jackpot.  This was absolutely the best opportunity I could ever hoped to have found.  What geeky teacher like me wouldn't be on cloud nine?

So, when asked what my curriculum is, I came up with this response (maybe not in these exact words...):

Explore.  Students will explore technologies and concepts that they find interesting

Learn.  Students will learn about those areas that interest them the most.

Create.  The students will have the opportunity to create what they want to create with the extensive resources we have available.

After this, we talked a little about the activities we would do and how exciting it will all be.  She also informed me that I would likely have full classes for the second semester because of the buzz about the class.  I turned around and went about my day frightened and excited about the prospect of 30 students in every period that I taught.  The thought of my curriculum still lingered with me though.  I pondered what made this such a great opportunity for the students.  Was it the technology they had access to?  Was it my impeccable knowledge? (haha)  No, it is the fact that they get the rare opportunity in our educational climate to guide their own learning.  They get to explore, learn and create what matters to them without limitations or interference by me (within reason of course).

What is my curriculum?  My curriculum is student-lead.