Monday, December 8, 2014

A Change of Pace

I originally started this Blog to provide information on my experimental use of Minecraft in my classroom.  I wanted to provide anyone with interest some ideas and a blueprint of activities, since I could not find much in my own research.  But, my focus has changed.

I want to provide ideas and activities for any integration of technology.  Rather than start a new blog, I am changing my topic.  This will truly live up to the name Epic Tech Quest, as I am constantly looking for new ways to integrate and new things to share with others.  There is so much more that we do in our class and so much more we can learn.  I want that to be available to anyone who wants to know.

For instance, today, we are using the Green Screen app DoInk to create trailer's for personal narratives.  Rather than reading our stories to each other, we are creating short and thrilling clips that are designed to 'hook' the reader.  This also forces the students to summarize their stories without giving away the ending.

Stay tuned, more to come.

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