Friday, April 10, 2015

More destruction of worksheets

Are you going to participate in #noworksheetweek?

In my last post, I wrote about some ideas for eliminating the unnecessary waste we create with worksheets.  I wanted to share some more ideas to help you reduce your consumption of paper and mundane student tasks.

How can you have your students show their learning without paper?

In our class we talked about using GarageBand to have a student record their responses.  Even simple responses to reading can be recorded and given to the teacher for review.  Or to take it a step further, we could use iMovie and the iPad camera to record their responses like an interview.  As a teacher, this is way more fun to grade!  This also gives you the opportunity to talk with the students about public speaking skills, eye contact, posture, etc. expanding the activity to more than a simple formative assessment.

Do you have GAFE?  If you do, using Google Classroom will help you destroy your worksheets!  Scan anything you would normally print, assign it to students, then they turn in their work.  It is all digital and no paper required.  This could present problems when it comes to a lack of devices, but getting creative about how you get students access is the only way.

There are many more ideas and if you have some, please leave a comment.

Until next time, have a great #noworksheetweek

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